For My Gravestone, Now More Than Ever!

I’ve said it before, and I’m saying it again: These are the words I want on my gravestone:

“The Typos Are Your Problem Now!”

I have been proofing and proofing and uploading and proofing, and correcting and uploading and proofing for the print edition of The Reefs of Time. I am heartily sick of the whole process! With thanks to my daughter Jayce for reminding me, I formally request that my gravestone, when the time comes, read: “The Typos Are Your Problem Now!” I can think of nothing that would better honor my life!

(Neepery warning) There are two widely-used channels for putting out self-published print-on-demand editions: Amazon (formerly CreateSpace) and Ingram Spark. Amazon is suddenly refusing to accept the cover file that they were just fine with on the last proof run, even though nothing has changed but the corrected interior file, with the exact same page count. And my cover designer just left for a two-week vacation.

Ingram squawked about the cover, but let me override. And their proof looks fine. Except… after a week of refining the print layout and getting rid of all widows and orphans, what do I see? Widows and orphans! Augh! I have just gone through and weeded them out. Again. And await Ingram’s processing once more.

I will have a print version available on launch day, come hell or high water. But the hardcover will be delayed until I can get the cover design expanded for the dust jacket. Not by long, I hope.

Augh. Augh. Augh!!

2 Responses

  1. Fran Giuffre
    | Reply

    Congratulations, Jeff! You’re almost there. I can’t wait to read what you’ve come up with this time! Fran

  2. Laurie
    | Reply

    Love your blog!!! Laurie

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