“Read an E-Book Week” Specials

It’s that time of the year again! Smashwords is sponsoring their annual Read an E-Book Week blowout sale. Tons of books discounted or free, through March 8. I’ve put up two boxed sets at 50% off. Just use the coupon code REW50, which you can also find on the books’ product pages, in case you forget it.

My colleague Doranna Durgin has not only put a slew of her own books for sale, but also invited other authors to list theirs. (I imagine a list will begin growing on Doranna’s blog over the next day or two.)

And I say, why not? If you’re an author with a book or books on sale, list it here in the comments section! The more, the merrier!

By the way, my Bookbub promotion has been very successful, and Eternity’s End is still on sale, through March 7.

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