Get Your Newsletter Here!

posted in: master plan, newsletter 3

Way back, in the mists of time, I promised to release an “occasional newsletter.” I even collected addresses against that foretold day. Well, the time is upon us! I am preparing to loose upon the world my first newsletter! The first of many! (In an occasional sort of way.)

The reason I raise the subject is this: I hope you will all sign up for this thing, for my occasional newsletter!

Why? Because it’s part of my master scheme to take the world by storm with The Reefs of Time. Followed quickly by the roundhouse whammy of Crucible of Time.

I can’t do it without you, and I can’t control brainwash enlist your help without the full might of my newsletter behind it! So please, sign up! Sign up now! And thank you.

Also… subscribers to the newsletter will receive the first-ever excerpt from The Reefs of Time, which is on the launching platform, as we speak. You’ll also get the latest updates on all my new projects, plus the occasional charming cat picture. And dog picture. It’s worth it for that alone.

Here’s a sign-up form, in case you missed the others:

Sign up for my occasional newsletter!