Award Categories

Seems I created a little confusion with my post about the Nebulas. Here are the formal definitions, quoted from the Nebula® Rules: Short Story: less than 7,500 words. Novelette: at least 7,500 words but less than 17,500 words. Novella: at … Read More

Nebula Awards ® 2005

The results are in from the Nebula Awards ceremony held last weekend in Chicago. Here are the winners: Best Novel: Paladin of Souls, by Lois McMaster Bujold (Eos, Oct03) Best Novella: “The Green Leopard Plague” by Walter Jon Williams (Asimov’s, … Read More

Information Overload

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Another interesting take on the future of information and news overload by SF writer and scientist Wil McCarthy: “Encyclopedia (not Battlestar) Galactica.”

Acting and Theater

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My younger daughter is passionate about acting in theater, and last summer played the part of Huck Finn in our local theater group’s production of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. We were all amazed by the way the kids (who … Read More

In 2014, the Newspaper Died

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Someone forwarded this to me, and I finally watched it. Whoa! It’s really good. Creepy, in an SFnal sort of way. Watch it when you have 8 minutes to spare, and see what the future of our news media could … Read More

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