Drumming with Jeff

posted in: drums, personal news, videos 4

It all started with the pair of timpani we rescued from a middle-school dumpster a year ago. I’ve been playing those, off and on, down in our basement, not letting my lack of knowledge about kettle drums stop me. But long, long ago, in my high school band in a galaxy somewhere, I put aside the clarinet one year to play snare drum in the marching band. I’ve long hankered to pick up the sticks again.

Well, it’s happened. The need for a respite after finishing work on the monster book, combined with the local drum store having a closing sale, led me to a practice pad. And in the way of all gateway drugs, that led to… a full drum kit—a Pyle PTED06 electronic tabletop kit, to be precise. I’ve been having a ball.

Let’s let the video speak for me. I present… The Star Rigger Drum Lab!

Yuh, all the drum sounds are by me.

4 Responses

  1. Ted Davis
    | Reply

    the Reefs of Time is done? Will it be one book or two? When can I buy it?

    The Old Bald Guy

    • Jeffrey A. Carver
      | Reply

      I hope to have an announcement soon. (No book is really *done* until all the editing is finished and the copy editing and the proofreading, of course.) Publication is on the horizon, but I don’t know when. And I will address the one book/two books question soon.

  2. Jim Ortner
    | Reply

    I played clarinet in my high school marching band for a couple years and then played in the drum line in 11th grade. I did switch to trumpet in 12th grade though for marching band. Played oboe in concert band which obviously is hard to march with. Still play music to this day and have a small recording studio at home. I’ve now switched to playing flute which I play in a community concert with my 20 year old daughter. Music has been a great bonding experience with my daughter.


    • jeffreyacarver
      | Reply

      That’s really great, Jim! I gave up the clarinet after high school. But many years later, I took it up again, when my daughters were learning piano. We played some duets and trios for a couple of years, and had a great time. But when they stopped piano lessons–they both enjoyed it to a point, but neither was interested enough to continue–I stopped playing the clarinet again. Ironically, I have in recent years noticed what a beautiful instrument it is, when played by an expert.

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