The Roof (Part 1) Is Done!

The roofers came as promised on Friday. The whole job, including scraping off three ancient layers of asphalt shingles, took just seven hours, maybe a little less. Here are some pictures I took as they worked.

There was a certain amount of noise inside the house while this was going on. 
There isn’t enough money in a politician’s slush fund to get me up on a roof like that.

This high-wire act involved installing a ridge vent.

And there it is, all done! Well, except for my spending what seemed like forever vacuuming out the attic, and walking the grounds looking for stray nails. The workers have these cool, rolling magnets that get most of the nails. Nevertheless, we found probably a dozen more that they missed. The magnets did find the great little pocket flashlight that I lost in the grass a couple of months ago. Unfortunately, by the time I thought to ask the crew boss to be on the lookout for it, it was already deep in the dumpster.

So one side of the house is done. Next step, putting up the solar panels, sometime in the next few weeks. And after that, we turn our attention to the far side of the house.

0 Responses

    | Reply

    I'm with you, I gave up walking on roofs the day I got my AARP card in the mail. I don't heal as quickly as I used to. 🙂

  2. I say let's all leave the high-wire stunt acts to the pros. We'll be safe on the ground and be guaranteed to have a nice and sturdy roof without causing extra damage.

  3. Hugh Dinatale
    | Reply

    This roofing project took a long time running, no? But nevertheless, I'm pleased to hear that half of it is done now, and that you are looking forward to getting the other half done soon. Your roofers sounded amazing, by the way.
    Hugh @ RoofXperts

  4. Eulalia Symonds
    | Reply

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  5. Eulalia Symonds
    | Reply

    Yes, go for it. Wouldn't help to leave it midway. 😉 Hope you've had skilled hands help you build that thing. Maybe there's other stuff you can add to your roof there, but that's probably for next time.

  6. Mary!
    | Reply

    They — they came? As promised? What did YOU promise????


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